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League of Legends

Is Elo Boosting Illegal?

Law, Ranked Boosters
30 August 2020

Elo Boosting in League of Legends is completely legal and you shouldn’t worry or hesitate to buy a boost. Unless you are in South Korea!

Elo Boostings/MMR boosting is legal every where in the world other than South Korea where you can be jailed for 2 years and fines of $18,000. Since South Korea is a highly competitive and deeply developed in the E-sports world, they have introduced such laws. However, anywhere else in the world, boosting is completely legal and you shouldn’t worry.

Why it’s safe to buy from large boosting services?

Most boosting sites are registered companies and also have to uphold their online status, they don’t risk tarnishing their names. Therefore they avoid all controversies and drama! Providing their best service is the only way they can succeed, so it’s completely safe buying from us.

What is Riot’s Stance on Elo Boosting?

Riot cannot affect the legality of Elo boosting, but they do look down upon the practice since it ruins the player experience by inflating elo where it otherwise would not have been. We don’t think its such a big issue as players who utilize such services are minuscule compared to the overall player base League has.

Riot has made it a bannable offense but only when account sharing is proven, Riot’s terms of service doesn’t contain any dialogue explicitly against Elo Boosting, it does however say that account sharing is bannable. Account sharing is incredible hard to track and enforce and Riot doesn’t have the resources – or care enough to use them to prevent it. Solo boosting carries a small risk, but Duo boosting is completely safe since no accounts are shared!


Advantages of using RankedBoosters for your boosting needs:

RankedBoosters provides Elo boosting services unparalleled to others, our elite boosting team provides solutions to all your boosting requirements.

  • Our boosts are the most customizable by far, from appearing offline to playing different roles/champions. We provide it all. You can voice chat with our boosters or even get coached during your boost if you choose our duo queue option.
  • We boost one division a day without compromise.
  • Our wait times to get a booster assigned to your order are extremely short, our boosters love getting paid and get pinged on discord once you order! They pick order with great enthusiasm. 
  • You can track your order completely in our members area, once you pay for your boost you will recieve an email confirming your order, another email when your boost is assigned, and another when completed. You can track all of this manually in your UserCp.
  • Our booster team is highly selective, our boosters are no less than diamond 1 and our junior boosters are min. Diamond 4 (they have elo limits), We don’t hesitate to remove inconsistency, customers always come first and nothing will compromise our standards.


Struggling in your ELO?

Let us boost you and give you a little push on the ladder so that you don’t have to deal with toxic/low skilled ELOs, so that you can be in an higher ELO environment to learn more effectively! You can duo with our boosters and learn their mindsets/playstyle to hard carry every game. We offer Solo/Duo division league boosts as well as short term Duo Games and Duo Net Wins. Want a taste of our service? Order our cheapest boosts (Duo Games).

Ready to get your boost started?

Contact live support, or find the right elo boost service for you